ShopKey Pro & SureTrack Advanced Level 2 Certification Badge Details

This is the second certification course in a series of two. This certification is focused on the advanced ShopKey Pro features, such as in-depth service manual information, SureTrack, Tips, and the Quote and Estimator functions.
TheShopKey Pro Service & Repair Certification (Level 1) is a prerequisite (must be passed first) before you can take theShopKey Pro & SureTrack AdvancedCertification(Level 2) course.
Since this is Level 2, detailed slides of how to select a vehicle and perform basicShopKey Pro navigation and searches will not be provided. Instead, only advanced navigation and features are shown.
- Explain how to use SureTrack data within the 1Search module
- Access SureTrack and apply data to a diagnostic situation
- List the advanced types of information found in the Service Manual Module
- Access historical ShopKey tips embedded with the service information, and create new tips through SureTrack
- Create estimates including parts, labor, maintenance items, and required fluids
- Prepare and save a finalized repair quote for a customer